Thank you Lindsey.
We here at the Beware False Profits are big supporters of Lindsey Stock and her efforts over on her blog: "Theta Healing Revealed".
For the past several years, she has blogged tirelessly on the rampant fraud, hipocracy, and damage that comes from the self-healing modality known as "Theta Healing". And she's done it with immeasurable grace, humor, and patience. We've talked about Theta Healing and it's 'creator' Vianna Stibal here at Beware False Profits, though no one has known more about, and had more inside knowledge and experience with Vianna and Theta Healing than Lindsey herself. Lindsey was married for a time, to Vianna's son, Joshua. Lindsey lived within the Stibal household (see: compound) and even spent time helping Vianna to edit many of the early versions of her book(s). Lindsey has had first hand experience and knows all of the lies that Theta Healing has been built upon.
She is the ultimate insider.
Unfortunately, due to reasons that she cannot disclose (most likely legal), Lindsey is being forced to give up her work on her blog and her efforts to expose Vianna and Theta Healing.
We here at Beware False Profits feel that Lindsey's efforts must go on. And we are going to do our part in helping to continue the crusade. We know that many of you may have found your way here by way of a link that we posted on her blog recently. Thank you. Thank you for being here.
We've managed to save much of the work from Lindsey's site and we're going to continue to promote it here any way that we can. The effort that Linsdey started on her site is too important to ignore. And it must not fade away into obscurity. The truth about Vianna Stibal and the Theta Healing empire must continue to be exposed. People are going to continue to ask questions and we feel an obligation and duty to make as much information available as possible.
So, please check back. We'll be adding content to this blog on a regular basis. Some of it will be regarding Theta Healing. Some of it won't. All of it however, will be in an effort towards the same goal: To expose self-help scams like Theta Healing and protect innocent people from the damage and destruction that they leave in their wake.
Bookmark this blog, follow us, and add your content and opinions to the discussion. We follow the same policy that Lindsey did in that no comment will be ignored. And all will be responded to in a timely manner.
Thank you Lindsey.
The fight continues...
Truth will out.
-Perry O. Veritas